Our technical and sales teams truly work from an application and product-centric perspective, and we are there to support you from your product concept and design all the way to production and assembly.
Ecomass Technologies is first and foremost a material compounder committed to developing, formulating, and producing the best possible composite materials to empower our customers to produce the best possible parts. Although we are not an injection molder, over the years we have often found that we are able to provide additional value to our customers by helping them manage the injection molding process of parts made with our materials.
In our 15+ year history, we have observed that customers who request or require finished part support do so for a variety of reasons. Some, in particular when working with government contracts, simply require delivery of a finished part as the only way they would consider a program with our material. Others have been wary of having to qualify a processor to work with material that the processor is inexperienced with, or has never run before. And others have simply found it preferable to have to only qualify one additional supplier instead of two. Whatever the case may be, our sales and engineering teams have the expertise, experience and flexibility to be able to support the customer in delivering finished parts in a way that minimizes cost and lead time.
Although we are in the business of producing and selling materials, we understand that a material in and of itself provides little to no value to customers. Only after injection or compression molding our material into a finished part does the material truly come to life, providing all of the engineered physical properties necessary to satisfy the application requirements. Our team of engineers are thus acutely aware of processing requirements when developing new formulations, and their extensive experience with part design, molding and tooling helps them deliver comprehensive customer solutions.
Our technical and sales commitment and responsibility to the customer does not stop with the sale of our material. We truly work from an application and product-centric perspective, and we are there to support you from your product concept and design all the way to production and assembly. Whether that means working with product engineers to modify part design for functionality and processability, working with processors to inform them how best to process our material, or managing the injection molding process by leveraging our network of material processors, our commitment is to ensure that the final part produced with our materials exceeds all of the customer’s application requirements.
If you choose Ecomass, there is no need to find a qualified molder, or to worry about whether a molder can successfully run a new material. Over 15 years of experience has allowed us to build an established network of injection molding partners who have substantial experience running our materials successfully and with whom we enjoy great working relationships. All of this results in lower costs and shorter lead times to the final customer. Contact us today, or fill out our RFQ form to see how we can help with your material or finished part needs.